Saturday, January 2, 2010

Youth Hostel Dubrovnik Camping Or Youth Hostel In Pula, Croatia?

Camping or youth hostel in Pula, Croatia? - youth hostel dubrovnik

A group of us, Pula, we will decide in July whether the camp or stay in a hostel. Is there a campsite near the center of Pula. "Can anyone recommend a good hostel?
We also travel to Dubrovnik, but like any long journey, can someone me a space to stay one or two days on the coast road. Thanks


stabra said...

Ok, so I havent had in a hostel, but I know the city of Rijeka (not 45 minutes north of Pula) open and has a very long time, get good reviews (I know this coz I'm here)
As for camping, you can try searching online before you go --
(click Istra)
(click English, then Istra).

If you cut on his trip into two parts when it would like to Dubrovnik, Sibenik, you can stop (Shib-e-nic), which is also a campground. It is a coastal town about 4 hours from Pula, Split, or perhaps on the coast and about 5-6 hours from Pula.
Both are really nice, but in parts is much bigger and more popular with tourists.

The streets will be packed this time of year, it takes its time. You can use the border crossings, congestion and air checked before they

Good luck, have fun, Croatia is beautiful!

stabra said...

Ok, so I havent had in a hostel, but I know the city of Rijeka (not 45 minutes north of Pula) open and has a very long time, get good reviews (I know this coz I'm here)
As for camping, you can try searching online before you go --
(click Istra)
(click English, then Istra).

If you cut on his trip into two parts when it would like to Dubrovnik, Sibenik, you can stop (Shib-e-nic), which is also a campground. It is a coastal town about 4 hours from Pula, Split, or perhaps on the coast and about 5-6 hours from Pula.
Both are really nice, but in parts is much bigger and more popular with tourists.

The streets will be packed this time of year, it takes its time. You can use the border crossings, congestion and air checked before they

Good luck, have fun, Croatia is beautiful!

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