Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ina Garten Chocolate Chip Cookies Have You Made Ina Garten's "Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes"? And Did You Find Them As Disgusting As I Did?

Have you made Ina Garten's "Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes"? And did you find them as disgusting as I did? - ina garten chocolate chip cookies

OK, so my husband was on business with the husband of my friend, so we have a girls night planned with movies and gourmet junk food. So I made these muffins (http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-g ...). They were disgusting! I was very skeptical about using the Hershey's syrup instead of powdered cocoa, and still skeptical about the reasons why there is no bread. She stood up, turned around, as had hockey pucks, artificial flavor, and they were really uncomfortable. Ina Cherry Gross also said, "you can not taste the coffee, it tastes like chocolate. BS" was all I knew. I Spent about $ 12 to Hershey's syrup, chips, buy chocolate, cream, etc., and doing about 2 hours. I came home and she makes a face when eating them. So I tried to spit, and threw it straight. I followed the recipe to a T!

What would he do better?


milton b said...

I can only think it could harm would burn. I had some bad experiences with the recipes I received from the Food Network and tend to leave the site now.

yitogwa said...

Perhaps the idea of ganache frosting as "I went to see is the recipe for muffins. If so, try cooking with Cupcakes an alternative to a regular recipe for ganache. There are different recipes for different kinds of ganache. Personally, I think no, my ganache, I Sysco pre-sent.

Experiment with it. Look for other recipes here. There are many variations of a recipe.

For coffee, it is true that coffee is to improve the taste of chocolate a little more. But it also depends on the type of coffee you use. Cheap coffee is not as good recipe, fine dirt more expensive, pure roasted coffee. I have the best coffee market usually has a "country" flavor as opposed to the expensive things.

Sorry to hear that a disaster was. I hope it was very embarrassing and I feel if it was. Here, too, try different variations of the recipe. Age here and there. Good luck to you.

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