Monday, February 1, 2010

What Else Do I Need For My Biocube New Oceanic Biocube 14 Gallon Aquarium What Should I Get?!?

New oceanic biocube 14 gallon aquarium what should i get?!? - what else do i need for my biocube

I bought the new 14-gallon aquarium BioCube ocean and wondered what you need to buy a saltwater aquarium and the types of rocks, corals, fish and invertebrets Buy


fendpr said...

Just get like 15 pounds of live Fuji Rock. And the cycle of the aquarium. When nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are 0, then you can get some fish. One could perhaps also with 2-3 fish. In my 10 gallons I have a Mandarin (Think about what you unless you know what you do!) And a clown fish. Just get some hardy fish that survive, can the size of a tank. And corals are so many different types, who say its hard to find. Just decide that on their own. Expected to reverse as Id only be preserved, a hermit crab and some shrimp cleaner.

David N said...

First, you need at least a week, a saltwater tank.

14 gallons is not much space ...

When I was a saltwater aquarium My Favorites invertebrates.

When my face was a dead fish, I finally filled my aquarium 80 gallons solely with nothing more than filter feeders, mollusks and crustaceans.

A monk fish or white fish stored in my freezer my anemone happy!

asdfyell... said...

I have a BC14. And crash my experience quickly when you least expect them. There is a lot of money, time and patience, so be careful. Anyhoo, I would start with the purchase of live rock on, live sand, a mixture of salt and 14 liters of RO / DI or purified water. Mix water and to fix what you want. May you want to buy a buffer pH value (not necessarily) a heater, salt water and a test kit. They are water, rocks, sand and sit in the tank until the ammonia need to test nitrate, nitrite and levels set to 0. This is your cycle and can take several weeks. But then you should get the cleaning crew (you need a certain culture) of the algae. I get to start a couple of snails and crabs. Then add little by little, how to be a little more every four days, if possible.

I had to do a lot of research before you a few things in the tank. Help in the long run.

Here is a website for mods and things related BioCube> is ...

In addition, this web site. is a great place to ask questionstions.
Good luck and have fun.

Colby V said...

I will live a little sand in your face and make sure you have a reasonable amount and do not skimp on them, because I do not have enough, but then would a few pieces of live rock to help cycle i Organic liveaquaria wise. com and you can simply browse through the fish, rather like me are looking for here, please recommend me one more fish, but I saw the fish that will clean the algae cuz sooner or later you find. I have a lawnmower blenny are all waiting for my food, but also for coral, a little before arriving at this and let the new tank and make sure if your really goes on invertbrates corals and reef fish get too sure that many Arent these cool, but I wish the best of luck helped

Renzo G said...

I was the clown fish and peppermint shrimp. You see so well together.

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