What does my abnormal chest x-ray mean -- early infiltrate and vague density?!!!!? - what does density mean on a chest x-ray
I had a chest x-ray if I'm already at my doctor who was out of breath if they try (sort of mentioned in passing, saying: "Let's take a look." Radiology report said an X-ray chest, the impression Very, very doubtful of the early lower lobe infiltrate. Otherwise, a negative study. RESULTS: There is a density wave on the right side of the heart that can not clear from the side view. We do not rule out a lobe infiltrate early in the lower right . test is also clear.
The radiologsit is not a recommendation, but my doctor says I should do a CT scan. He thought it might be pneumonia, and took antibiotics for a week. But now I have a feeling that I had) some chest pain (burning, when I did my exercises. And my heart youghter than normal. I'm obsessed with it now and wonder if this could be something serious. Please reply with experience or knowledge or experience. Mil gracias!
Adjust to work these doctors do not understand something you.When, ASK.That 's What's for.Call your doctor and ask him again this means.Just all because you antibiotics for weeks, have taken s "No means that you will amount to more than pneumonia. What a break, and must easy.You again not 100%.
You should consult your doctor and a CT scan. I want to see a pulmonologist and have him give evidence on lung function.
Four years ago I had symptoms like these is progressivlely worst, more than 2 months. There was evidence of heart and others, but in the end breathing in the emergency room barely able to be strong and muscular pain in the neck and shoulders. The next day I had a CT and infiltration had progressed rapidly. I deleted massive doses of IV steroids and in a few days. I took steroids (prednisone) for about a month, stopped for a moment and back, but almost no symptoms. I had a lung biopsy and was then on steroids for 8 months. I've been good, but had another autoimmune disease may now so they are subject. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br>
Even at biopsy, never quite decided what might BOOP (no name) does not, perhaps the beginning of polymyocitis. These things are hard to diagnose, but I did not leave you alone. If there is even worse and your doctor does not seem to Concero, see a lung specialist, received a chest CT scan, blood tests, ask and taking prednisone. Do not wait.
But be prepared with knowledge. A place to start:
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/interst ...
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